Aegean numbers [was : Re: North Indic Fractions etc.]

From: Frédéric Grosshans (
Date: Tue Jun 07 2011 - 04:20:31 CDT

  • Next message: Karl Pentzlin: "Character Identity and Font Selection"

    Le lundi 06 juin 2011 à 16:50 +0900, fantasai a écrit :
    > Is there a reason why the North Indic fractions and Aegean numbers and measures
    > are not assigned to any scripts in the ScriptExtensions.txt file?
    > I don't really know what list of scripts they should belong to, but they don't
    > seem very "Common".

    The Unicode standard (Unicode 6.0, ch 14, p459 (p.10 of says, about
    Aegean numbers :
            The signs are used in Linear B. The Cypriot syllabary appears to
            use the same system, as evidenced by the fact that the lower
            digits appear in extant texts.
    So the relevant scripts seem to be :
          * Cprt 403 Cypriot
          * Lina 400 Linear A
          * Linb 401 Linear B

    Unless, of course, if they are intended to be used in scholarly
    publications, but I guess that such reasoning would add every writing
    system used on wikipedia to almost every character, and would deprive
    such characterization of any utility.

    Frédéric Grosshans
    Chargé de Recherche
    Laboratoire de Photonique Quantique et Moléculaire
    ENS Cachan / CNRS UMR 8537
    tel: (+33)1 47 40 77 15
    GSM: (+33)6 09 24 29 64

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