Do you realize the operating cost of any international standard comittee or
for the maintenance ans securization of an international registry ? Who
will pay ? You ? Unless there's a very productive and demonstrate need of
such a registry, using the existing domain name or URI schemes mechanism
will be enough.
2013/4/23 William_J_G Overington <>
> On Tuesday 23 April 2013, Philippe Verdy <> wrote:
> > There's also noather issue: your proposal now uses identifiers that will
> be resolved in a registry database you are the only one to control.
> Not at all. The registry would be controlled by an International Standards
> Organization committee.
> As you have raised the matter, here is a quote from a document that I
> submitted to the ISO/IEC 10646 committee in January 2012.
> quote
> My current thinking is that an ISO committee entity would choose sentences
> and symbols and then approach the ISO/IEC 10646 committee on an
> inter-committee liaison basis to ask for character code points to be
> assigned to the symbol and sentence pairs. For the avoidance of doubt I
> have, as at the time of preparing this document, made no application to ISO
> about such a committee entity carrying out such activities.
> My thinking is that that ISO committee entity could potentially be one of
> the following.
> 1. A new ISO committee, generated for the purpose.
> 2. The ISO/IEC 10646 committee, or a subcommittee of the ISO/IEC 10646
> committee.
> 3. An existing ISO committee, other than the ISO 10646 committee, or a
> subcommittee of that committee.
> end quote
> William Overington
> 23 April 2013
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