I have been searching, trying to find some information as to why there is a large set of symbols in PETSCII which cannot be mapped to Unicode.
PETSCII is the character set used by the Commodore 64, which was an incredibly popular computer in the 80's, and still remains in use to this day. More information on the character set can be found on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PETSCII
Searching for PETSCII in the archives for this mailing list only reveals two messages, none of which addresses my question.
Given that this is a web-documented character set, used by a very popular system, there must be some reason why these symbols are missing from Unicode.
Could anyone provide some information on this?
Dear Elias,
Unicode is not an archive of anything ever used on computers.
If there's a credible need to convert files
between Unicode-based systems and those using PETSCII with full
round-trip convertibility, then that _might_ constitute a case
for encoding. A similar scenario might exist if C64 emulators
run on Unicode-based systesm were a widespread phenomenon, in
which case having a standardized Unicode representation for the
missing code points might be in scope.
I cannot speculate whether the UTC would find a proposal to that effect compelling, it would depend on the user community affected and the specific evidence adduced in support.
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