2017-04-08 15:59 GMT+02:00 Michael Everson <everson_at_evertype.com>:
> >> We’re not proposing to “implement a game”.
> >
> > You were yourself speaking about applications, me too, not just a "game".
> No, I wasn’t.
I can quote your own message just posted 3 hours ago? YOU REALLY USED the
term "game" and wanted developers to use fonts for them. This is definitely
not what most chess game developers do and have done since long, becaues
fonts are definitely not easily integrable and give unpredictable results.
They would not accept the kind of fallbacks you document for encoding in
plain text.
2017-04-08 13:10 GMT+02:00 Michael Everson <everson_at_evertype.com>:
> Developers can already use the encoded chess characters in game apps if
> they want.
> If we have a set of standardized variation sequences for chess notation,
> then if game developers want to use them, who is to complain? But that is
> not the point of this proposal, which is to enable people working with
> chess notation to be able to use the UCS (which they aren’t doing). An app
> interface has not the same plain-text requirement that people working with
> chess data do.
> (They ARE using fonts, which shows they want to do this in text. They are
> NOT using UCS characters, and they do NOT have a coherent model amongst any
> of their hacks.)
Received on Sat Apr 08 2017 - 09:15:17 CDT
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