Richard Wordingham wrote,
> And doing it reasonably well could be a lot of work.
> However, I don't see any good reason to discourage
> fonts from doing it by default, which is what is now
> being proposed.
Some people studying Han characters use the IDCs to illustrate the
ideographs and their components for various purposes. For example:
U-0002A8B8 𪢸 ⿰土土
U-0002A8B9 𪢹 ⿰土凡
U-0002A8BA 𪢺 ⿱夂土
U-0002A8BB 𪢻 ⿰土亡
U-0002A8BC 𪢼 ⿰土无
U-0002A8BD 𪢽 ⿰土冇
U-0002A8BE 𪢾 ⿰土攴
U-0002A8BF 𪢿 ⿰土月
U-0002A8C0 𪣀 ⿰土化
U-0002A8C1 𪣁 ⿰土丰
It would be probably be disconcerting if the display of those
sequences changed into their respective characters overnight. Such
usage might be limited to scholars and students, and a desire for
default composition might outweigh scholarly concerns, but IMHO to say
that 'doing it reasonably well at the font level would be a lot of
work' is a vast understatement.
Received on Fri Feb 16 2018 - 17:25:45 CST
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