Re: Variation Sequences (and L2-11/059)

From: Janusz S. Bień via Unicode <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2018 05:56:48 +0200

On Tue, Jul 17 2018 at 8:34 -0700, Asmus Freytag writes:
> On 7/16/2018 10:04 PM, Janusz S. Bień via Unicode wrote:
> I understand there is no sufficient demand for the Unicode Consortium
> maintaining a supplementary non-ideographic variation database. Hence
> for the time being a kind of Private Use variation database seems to be
> the only solution - am I right?
> The question comes down to resources, among other things. As well as to whether
> there are actual users / implementers waiting for and ready to adopt such a database
> as solution to their problems.

I hope the resources are sufficient to improve wording of the variation
sequence FAQ. Do we agree that at present users/implementers are rather
misled by it?

> A strawman proposal could identify these issues and some ways that they might be
> addressed and then ask for criteria of what the UTC might deem sufficient.

Perhaps this statement should be put into FAQ, instead of "you should
propose your addition as a variation sequence"?

On Tue, Jul 17 2018 at 13:45 +0100, William_J_G Overington writes:
> Janusz S. Bien wrote:
>> I understand there is no sufficient demand for the Unicode
>> Consortium maintaining a supplementary non-ideographic variation
>> database. Hence for the time being a kind of Private Use variation
>> database seems to be the only solution - am I right?
> Well, with the greatest respect, in my opinion, no.
> You could use my suggestion and send a copy of your encoding to the
> Unicode Technical Committee (UTC) and maybe they will endorse it.

Difficult to do as there is no "my encoding".

> There is precedence over the astronaut emoji where in glyph
> substitution the rocket was lost and a space suit was obtained from
> somewhere.
> For my suggestion the circled digit would be lost and an alternate
> glyph introduced.

You seem to assume that my concern is only rendering.


On Tue, Jul 17 2018 at 14:07 +0100, William_J_G Overington writes:
> WJGO >> My suggestion is to use for each desired glyph a sequence
> consisting of three characters, and then have an OpenType font decode
> them so that the glyph can be displayed.
> JSB >This is a prohibitive requirement, because for years there is the lack of font creators interested in old Polish.
> Well, I have not been aware of any call for participation. It seems an interesting project.
> I make OpenType fonts using the FontCreator program.
> There is an active forum with helpful people participating.
> So you could if you wish try to make your own font

Actually I tried:

Best regards


Janusz S. Bien
emeryt (emeritus)
Received on Tue Jul 17 2018 - 22:57:40 CDT

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