From: Michael Everson (
Date: Thu May 18 2000 - 05:32:51 EDT

Ar 19:05 -0800 2000-05-17, scríobh Asmus Freytag:

>The Windows character set (as far as column 0x8x and 0x9x) was in turn
>based on sets found in many printers. The collection of printer characters
>in this range was most likely influenced by the Mac character set and
>corresponding popular postscript fonts. (While the current MacRoman mapping
>supported by W2K shows a TM, it also shows a Euro sign, so I can't be 100%
>sure the TM has been there from the beginning).

The TM has been in MacRoman from the beginning. And Sarasvati looked upon
it, and said that it was a good day....


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