Re: Character Agent / UniAPI

From: Edward Cherlin (
Date: Wed May 31 2000 - 02:09:44 EDT

At 14:30 -0800 5/30/2000, Dean Abramson wrote:
>Hi All,
>It's been a while since I've been involved in Unicode or multilingual
>anything. Since the very beginning of 1999 Bjondi has turned into
>Skworm and shifted its efforts into Internet technologies.
>Since our departure from the Unicode community, we have left our
>Bjondi web site (mostly) untouched which still offers our Character
>Agent and UniAPI software free for download that we had developed
>now quite some time ago.
>Apparently (we're told on occasion) this little utility has gained
>quite a following, and in fact what used to be an occasional download
>or two has turned into several downloads every day.
>I was kinda curious to hear if anyone is using Character Agent on a
>regular basis, and if there is a collective interest in an upgrade
>to Character Agent that supports Unicode 3.0?

Want, want, yes, want.

>Also, since time is
>limited for us, AND also since we are way out of touch with Unicode
>these days, would there be anyone interested in lending a hand in an

What do you need done? Documentation is my specialty, with programming second.

>To date we know of nobody using UniAPI (which happens to be the most
>important part of the product).

I was just thinking about some little multilingual utilities and
language-learning assistants. I also need some projects for my son,
who has been complaining that his college programming language
courses teach language features rather than programming. And who
wants to learn Japanese.

>I was also wondering if anyone is
>actually using it, and if there is an interest in extending it to an
>open community effort?

Second the motion. I want to help with some open source Unicode fonts, too.

>In case you do use Character Agent, and don't
>know what UniAPI is, you probably should!
>Thank you kindly,
> ______
> O O
>Dean Abramson E-mail:
>Skworm, Inc. Tel: (310) 395-3820
>1242 Third Street Promenade, #204 Fax: (310) 395-3402
>Santa Monica, CA 90401

Edward Cherlin
"A knot!" exclaimed Alice. "Oh, do let me help to undo it."
Alice in Wonderland

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