You can obtain copies of ISO standards from your national standards
organization. I do not know if the prices will be different.
In the US, it is ANSI
Attn: Customer Service
American National Standards Institute
1 W. 42nd St.
New York, NY 10026
1-212-302-1286 (fax)
In Canada, it is CSA
Canadian Standards Association/ Standards Sales
Association canadienne de normalisation / Vente des normes
178 Rexdale Blvd.
Etobicoke, ON M9W 1R3
1-416-747-2475 (fax)
Ed Hart
Edwin F. Hart
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, MD 20723-6099
+1-443-778-6926 (Baltimore)
+1-240-228-6926 (DC Area)
+1-443-778-1093 (fax, Baltimore)
+1-240-228-1093 (fax, DC area)
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Ewell []
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 01:51
To: Unicode List
Subject: (OT) ISO 3166-2 online?
I apologize in advance for another off-topic posting.
As we all know, most ISO standards are not available for free, but can
only be obtained from ISO or national standards bodies at considerable
expense. Yet we also know that parts of some ISO standards, including
639-1, 3166-1, and of course 8859-* and 10646 are distributed on the
Web. The entire standard may not be there, but the all-important code
lists are.
Does anyone know if and where the code list for ISO 3166-2 might be
available? Beuth-Verlag wants around 90 USD for a paper copy and I'd
like to know if that's, um, really necessary.
-Doug Ewell
Fullerton, California
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