Re: Can anyone help me!!!

From: Antoine Leca (
Date: Thu Sep 28 2000 - 12:25:55 EDT

Yung-Fong Tang wrote:
> Antoine Leca wrote:
> > sanatan mohanty wrote:
> > >
> > > and it should be atleast work on netscape and windows
> > > explorer!, and atleast LINUX and Windows OS supports it!.
> >
> > I am not aware that Netscape, even in version 6, is able to
> > display Indian sentences encoded in Unicode (although it is
> > able to display individual characters).
> Does Netscape6 on Win2K have this problem ?

Hmmm... Probably not!
I was answering to the question as a whole (i.e. working on
both Moz' and IE under all of Linux, 9X and NT).

> However, since we use TextOutW, in theory the TextOutW should
> handle conjuncts and handle the reording of the left-positionned
> matra's.

According to my knowledge, it should work, you are correct.
I will set up the lizard and give a look at my tests pages.
But I first need to find some speedy box to do that...


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