Re: Is there Unicode mail out there?

From: David Starner (
Date: Sat Jul 14 2001 - 04:27:00 EDT

From: Gaute B Strokkenes <>
> No way. Any mail client that is sufficiently clever to understand
> UTF-8 should understand all valid and registered MIME-charsets. After
> all, conversion libraries are both widely available and easy to use.

Do you know of any that actually do? How about just supporting these:
ISO646-PT, ISO10646-UTF-1, NATS-SEFI and HP-DeskTop?

> All the `all messages should be in UTF-8, even when there are
> well-established legacy encodings that cover the characters of a given
> message' mumbo-jumbo that has been mentioned recently on the list is
> really just so much hot air.

I don't think anyone was suggesting that for all lists. However, here, on
the Unicode list, everyone on the list should be able to handle Unicode, and
those who can have sometimes been willing to cut and paste into a Unicode
editor just to see what's up. Legacy encodings should be used when you're
communicating with people who use legacy encodings and legacy mail readers.
Unicode people don't - after ASCII, UTF-8 is probably the closest thing we
have to a common usable encoding.

David Starner -

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