Re: Is there Unicode mail out there?

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Wed Jul 18 2001 - 11:07:03 EDT

> I wouldn't want any control codes in a database. Having a control-G
> may be funny (the joke as I know it goes back to Don Knuth), but
> something like a control-S is too much of a risk.

*You* wouldn't want?

There are a lot of characters *I* wish were not in databases, or in use at
all. A lot of them may or may not make sense. Whether or not I want them,
someone can have a database where they are allowed. By having this
(inconsistent) restriction, it simply means I can't be guaranteed full
round-tripping from databases to XML and back, no matter what their

Of course, this is not a huge restriction -- it is simply a gratuitous
annoyance. One could even live with something much more onerous, say XML
disallowing all characters whose code points were divisible by 4321 -- just
have complicated DTDs and shift into base64 if you encounter any of those


πάντων μέτρον ἄνθρωπος — Πρωταγόρας

----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Duerst" <>
To: "Mark Davis" <>; "John Cowan"
Cc: <>; "Lars Marius Garshol" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2001 18:36
Subject: Re: Is there Unicode mail out there?

> At 14:30 01/07/17 -0700, Mark Davis wrote:
> > > In that case the content of the field is not text but an octet string,
> > > and you need to do something different, like base64-ing it.
> >
> >The content in the database is not an octet string: it is a text field
> >happens to have a control code -- a legitimate character code -- in it.
> >Practically every database allows control codes in text fields. (And why
> >C1 controls allowed? After all, they are even less frequent than C0
> >controls.)
> Mark - I understand your dissatisfaction. But the C1 controls are not
> allowed in HTML4, and according to James Clark, the fact that they are
> allowed in XML was an oversight.
> Databases can (and should) keep care of their data. There are very
> few cases where having control characters in there makes sense.
> In the most cases, however, they are errors, and if XML gives an
> incentive to fix them, all the better.
> I wouldn't want any control codes in a database. Having a control-G
> may be funny (the joke as I know it goes back to Don Knuth), but
> something like a control-S is too much of a risk.
> Regards, Martin.

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