Re: Norwegian sorting

From: Lars Marius Garshol (
Date: Mon Jan 21 2002 - 12:46:17 EST

* Lars Marius Garshol
| I can't think of a Scandinavian word with "ü" in it, actually. You'd
| have to look at an encyclopedia or atlas to find appropriate examples.

* Stefan Persson
| The only Swedish word containing "ü" that I can think of, is
| "müsli," which is a German loan word. The "ü" is sorted as "y" in
| all dictionnaries. The "ü" is also pronunciated as "y."

I looked in three Norwegian dictionaries and found "mysli" in two, and
nothing in the last (a Norwegian-English dictionary), so it seems that
it will be hard to demonstrate this in the case of Norwegian
dictionaries. :-)

--Lars M.

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