Re: Synthetic scripts

From: Curtis Clark (
Date: Sat Mar 16 2002 - 22:08:43 EST

At 04:45 PM 3/16/02, Doug Ewell wrote:
>But right away that definition includes not only Shavian, Tengwar,
>Cirth, Klingon, and most of the contents of ConScript, but also
>Ethiopic, Cherokee, Canadian Syllabics, Gothic, Deseret, and maybe Yi
>Syllabics, all of which are already encoded in Unicode.

And iirc Cyril and Methodius were people, although their script was based
on Greek and continued to evolve.

>An alternative working definition of "synthetic script" that means "one
>invented to support a work of fiction" would be inappropriately aimed at
>the Star Trek and Tolkein scripts.

If one regards the Bible as a work of fiction, even more scripts could be
added to this list.

I agree with Michael Everson that we are talking about the *Universal*
Character Set. The "Good-Return-on-Investment Character Set" or the
"Important to Us Character Set" might also be useful to some people, but
they will not be universal.

Curtis Clark        
Mockingbird Font Works        

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