Re: Synthetic scripts

From: Miikka-Markus Alhonen (
Date: Sun Mar 17 2002 - 05:58:25 EST

On 17-Mar-02 Curtis Clark wrote:
> At 04:45 PM 3/16/02, Doug Ewell wrote:
>>But right away that definition includes not only Shavian, Tengwar,
>>Cirth, Klingon, and most of the contents of ConScript, but also
>>Ethiopic, Cherokee, Canadian Syllabics, Gothic, Deseret, and maybe Yi
>>Syllabics, all of which are already encoded in Unicode.
> And iirc Cyril and Methodius were people, although their script was based
> on Greek and continued to evolve.

What about "a script that was invented by one person with the principal
intention of representing an artificially constructed language"?
This would include Tengwar, Cirth and Klingon but not any of the other
above-mentioned cases.

Of course, Tolkien's scripts can be used to write English or other natural
languages, too, but I strongly feel the author didn't intend Tengwar to replace
the present Latin alphabet...

Best regards,
Miikka-Markus Alhonen

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