----- Original Message -----
From: "John Cowan" <jcowan@reutershealth.com>
To: "Stefan Persson" <alsjebegrijptwatikbedoel@yahoo.se>
Cc: "Miikka-Markus Alhonen" <Miikka-Markus.Alhonen@tigatieto.com>;
Sent: den 17 mars 2002 18:03
Subject: Re: Synthetic scripts
> Stefan Persson scripsit:
> > Can you prove that this doesn't apply to any of the scripts already in
> > Standard? No, you can't, as it is not known under which circumstances
> > Greek, Kanji, etc., were created.
> Come, come. It is perfectly clear that Latin script was designed to
> represent Latin, Greek script to represent Greek, and Kanji to represent
> Old Chinese.
Prove it!
(And prove that those languages weren't designed for some kind of
litterature or similar...)
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