There are two letters from MS macBU explaining their side of the story,
probably not telling all, though. I also read that Mac OS X has poor
Hebrew support (or do they mean poor bidi support?). So all I see now
is that a comment from Apple is missing. From what I understand and
remember from earlier discussions at MS is that IE and Office would
need way more internal programming to enable bidi as it needs in the
Window versions. It is not just about localizing. Windows has bidi
integrated, Apple OS's don't up to OS X, and there it is still
insufficient compared to Windows. I think MS is unwilling to do that
work on top of Office and IE OS X development.
--- Bertrand Laidain <> wrote:
> >>There's a serie of article about that in The Register site...
> >This is some of the raw data that is part of the current confusion
> on that
> >other list that is in need of sorting out. I'd like to hear a
> response on
> >this list from someone at or
> But in that confusion there is a letter from the Head of the
> Macintosh
> division at Microsoft ???
> >Can anybody from Apple or from MS's Mac division (is there such a
> person
> >here?) tell me definitively whether any version of Office for the
> Mac
> >supports Hebrew, and, if so, whether this includes pointing or
> accents
> >(te'amim / cantillation marks), and also whether this assumes any
> >particular codepage?
> From Word 4 to Office X, Office never supported Hebrew and
> Worldscript,
> and I don't know of any application (not Nisus for example) wich is
> able
> to input te'amim (I would like to), Te'amim was theorically encoded
> in
> the MacOs encoding but there was not Worldscript font with (even the
> Apple fonts), so...
> bertrand
> PS No te'amim except for a SIL font, which was working with Quickdraw
> GX,
> but the encoding was not standard ! What do you think of an Unicode
> (maybe Opentype) version of that font ?
Dave Possin
Globalization Consultant
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