Re: CJK fonts

From: Raymond Mercier (
Date: Mon Dec 02 2002 - 07:26:05 EST

  • Next message: Otto Stolz: "Re: Localized names of character ranges"

    I have downloaded what I can from these sites, but can't get a reply from Have you found this site?
    I am troubled also because the font Ming(for ISO10646) won't work in my
    IE6. I have written a windows utility to exploit unihan.txt, by
    listing all the characters for a given Pinyin, and hoped that some at
    least of the Ext A characters would appear, but none do. I will study the
    msdn page that was referred to, where they suggest a modification of the
    registry, and try also specifying the font in my display. The program works
    by embedding IE to display characters.


    >Some info is at:

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