Re: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

From: Marion Gunn (
Date: Sun May 04 2003 - 20:00:37 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

    Scríobh Ivan A Derzhanski <>:
    >I'm looking for an Irish text that would be as short as possible,
    >but feature all letters of the alphabet (the Gaelic one, thus long
    >vowels and aspirated consonants should be counted in). Do you have
    >such a thing handy?

    The following 'brown fox'/character set tester is embedded in all of the
    relevant places in Apple/EG(T) software since the year 1990[sic], at which
    time, online messaging was mainframe-based, and couldn't handle diacritics
    at all:

    "D'fhuascail Íosa Úrmhac na hÓighe Beannaithe pór Éava agus Ádhaimh."

    Be sure to type in the capital letters, as shown, in order to show up any
    possible deficiencies in your system in the handling of our accented
    uppercase capitals.

    The above sentence was mainly designed to test for uppercase accents, so
    here is one which combines our lower-case accented letters with all of our
    dotted consonants:

    "An bhfuil do chroí ag bualadh ó fhaitíos an ghrá a mheall lena phóg éada ó
    shlí do leasa thú?"

    (To activate test, replace h with a dot over the consonant which precedes
    it, and
    use both sentences together, for a comprehensive test of full character range.)

    Féach, a Bhulgáraigh chóir, I give you dotted consonants in alphabetical

    Hope this helps. Cc:ing this to, so that people
    elsewhere may use it for Irish/ISO 8859-14 compliance testing, etc., should
    they so desire,

    Marion Gunn * EGT (Estab.1991) * *
    fiosruithe/enquiries: * *

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