Date: Sun May 04 2003 - 23:05:11 EDT
Marion Gunn wrote,
> (To activate test, replace h with a dot over the consonant which precedes
> it, and use both sentences together, for a comprehensive test of full
> character range.)
Like this?
"An ḃfuil do ċroí ag bualaḋ ó ḟaitíos an ġrá a ṁeall lena ṗóg éada ó
ṡlí do leasa ṫú?"
"D'ḟuascail Íosa Úrṁac na hÓiġe Beannaiṫe pór Éava agus Áḋaiṁ."
Seems to display well here. What is the accepted position for the dot
over the "b" and "d". Should it go above the stem, or may it be
centered above the bowl? Or, is either way correct?
Perhaps Frank da Cruz can add these phrases to the "quick brown fox"
section of the Kermit sampler page at:
Best regards,
James Kass
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