Viewing powerpoint for MacOSX

From: Theodore H. Smith (
Date: Tue May 06 2003 - 17:33:37 EDT

  • Next message: Theodore H. Smith: "Re: Finite state machines? UTF8: toFold(), normalisation, etc"

    >> "Bits of Unicode" is in .ppt format. Is that "Power point"? I don't
    >> have powerpoint or an app to read .ppt.
    > On Windows you can grab the free Powerpoint viewer from Microsoft; on
    > Windows and other platforms you can get from the site
    > of that name.

    Hi people,

    well I have OSX. I did try google, but it did also mess up the display,
    it give a light orange text on white background. Almost as bad as
    yellow on white! Even worse, there was white text on white.

    So it was unreadable, also there were encoding conversion errors, and
    I'm not sure if there were meant to be tables, but they didn't appear
    converted properly.

    I wasn't able to read the document yet. It's too bad for me he didn't
    use PDF or HTML, because from what I could gather before my brain gave
    up on that frazzled resulting format, was there was a lot of very
    interesting alternatives suggested.

         Theodore H. Smith - Macintosh Consultant / Contractor.
         My website: <>

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