RE: Case mapping of dotless lowercase letters

From: Kent Karlsson (
Date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 17:59:29 EST

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: Case mapping of dotless lowercase letters"

    Stefan Persson wrote:
    > Kent Karlsson wrote:
    > > This kind of solution
    > > was driven mainly by the issue of the traditional chinese vs.
    > > simplified chinese problem, but that approach applies to cases
    > > like <dotless i, dot-above> too.
    > Do you mean that people were afraid that someone would
    > register e.g. 中国.com, while someone else would register 中國.com?

    Assuming that those are SC and TC for the same reading,
    yes. Worse, those worrying argued that more than 2^n IDNs,
    where n is the number of CJK characters in the intended name
    would be needed for each intended name (ignoring that SC
    and TC don't usually mix).

    Peter Kirk wrote:
    > If the Swedish registry allows all the letters used in Swedish and Sami,
    > and far eastern registries allow Chinese characters, the Turkish and
    > Azerbaijani registries should allow, and be allowed to allow, all the
    > letters of the alphabets of their national languages.

    Note that ß (sharp s) casefolds to ss, and ſ (long s) casefolds to s. So
    "straße", "straſse", and "strasse" also both map to the same ("strasse")

    John Cowan wrote:
    > > Yes. And as it happens, dotless-i case-*folds* to (soft)dotted-i,
    > > so you cannot register an IDN that after "nameprep" has a dotless-i
    > > in it, since that name isn't correctly "nameprepped".
    > What is the source of this claim? The tables in RFC 3454 (stringprep)
    > do not mention dotless-i, and neither does RFC 3491.

    Aha, a change that escaped me. (It used to be folded as described above.)
    My apologies.

                    /kent k

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