RE: interleaved ordering (was RE: Phoenician)

From: Mike Ayers (
Date: Mon May 10 2004 - 14:12:55 CDT

  • Next message: Mike Ayers: "RE: Katakana_Or_Hiragana"

    > From: []On
    > Behalf Of Philippe Verdy
    > Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 9:09 AM

    > From: "Michael Everson" <>
    > > Japanese is different; the users all use both scripts all the time.
    > And there are occurences in Japanese of Katakana suffixes or
    > particules added to
    > Latin or Han words, notably to people names and trademarks...
    > I've seen many
    > texts where Han and Katakana are mixed in the same "word"
    > (where it would be
    > inappropriate to insert a word-break between runs of Han and Katakana
    > particules.)

            You mean hiragana, not katakana, and kanji, not Han, I believe.
    Katakana are used for transliteration, and are not typically joined to
    kanji, whereas hiragana are ubiquitously joined to kanji, as Japanese
    particles do not ordinarily have kanji representation. I have not seen
    katakana joined to kanji (or romaji), and suspect that such does not occur.

    > My first implementation allowed line-breaks after each Han
    > character, but an
    > exception was made after users request to not do that after
    > Han and before
    > Katakana (despite line break is allowed between two Han
    > characters), or after
    > Latin and Katakana. So a simple approache that allows
    > linebreaks between
    > distinct scripts is deceptive. Am I wrong, or are my users
    > wrong and want it as
    > a presentation preference?

            I believe, but am not certain, that nonbreaking kanji-to-hiragana is
    correct, whereas you can break on kanji-to-katakana.

            But all this leads me to finally ask: what does "script" mean? It
    seems clear to me that although the term has been used throughout the
    Phoenician debate, not everyone is using it the same way. I know that there
    is a definition of "script" that is used for encoding purposes, but can I
    find it written anywhere, or is it more of an ephemeral thing?



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