Re: Numbers in Marathi

From: Mahesh T. Pai (
Date: Fri Feb 27 2009 - 06:50:14 CST

  • Next message: Murray Sargent: "RE: Numbers in Marathi"

    Nitin Nimkar said on Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 09:20:19PM -0800,:

    > is a Unicode compliant language. However, when we type Numbers in
    > this language they appear in Roman in some programs like Notepad on
    > Widnows, while in some they appear in Marathi. If we are

    > programming in PHP, for example for date, then input given in
    > Marathi numbers like 09/15/2009 or 15/09/2009 is not validated,

    What version of PHP? And who / what / where is this validation being done?

    > however if we give the same date in Roman, it is validated without
    > any change in the program. By this I infer that Marathi Numbers are
    > not recognized as numbers.

    > Marathi Numbers appear in UNICODE table from 0966 to 096F

    What OS is this?

    Looks like a keyboard lay out problem to me. Contact your OS support.


    Mahesh T. Pai 

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