From: Murray Sargent (
Date: Fri Feb 27 2009 - 12:48:55 CST
You might want to enable context or national digit substitution. Check it out on Vista using Control Panel/Regional and Language Options/Customize Regional Options/Use native digits. These options allow ASCII digits to be displayed using localized digits instead even in NotePad. If you always want Marathi numbers to be displayed, use the Unicode Marathi digits instead of ASCII digits.
From: [] On Behalf Of Nitin Nimkar
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:20 PM
Subject: Numbers in Marathi
Dear Sir,
Marathi is a Unicode compliant language. However, when we type Numbers in this language they appear in Roman in some programs like Notepad on Widnows, while in some they appear in Marathi. If we are programming in PHP, for example for date, then input given in Marathi numbers like 09/15/2009 or 15/09/2009 is not validated, however if we give the same date in Roman, it is validated without any change in the program. By this I infer that Marathi Numbers are not recognized as numbers.
Marathi Numbers appear in UNICODE table from 0966 to 096F
How to solve this problem.
Nitin Nimkar
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