Re: Radical index - probably off topic

From: Christoph Burgmer (
Date: Thu Jan 28 2010 - 12:28:20 CST

  • Next message: Mark Davis ☕: "FYI: Google blog on Unicode"

    Am Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2010 schrieb
    > The reason I put this to the Unicode list is that one can download a
    > radical index as a PDF file from, so somebody has already
    > made the electronic version of the index. My question is, then: Is it
    > possible to get a copy of this index in a form that I could load into a
    > database, for example - something like a comma seperated list with
    > number of radical strokes, radical number, number of remaining strokes
    > and unicode character?

    In case you are not aware of it, there are several websites out there
    dedicated to lookup by radical, while the ones I know cover the general case
    of multiple radical lookup, e.g. <>.

    And depending on your platform there are (free) offline tools out there to help.

    But in case you want to get your hands dirty, I believe the Unihan database is
    easy enough to start with. There are tools out there, though, that can take
    some load off your shoulders. It can be as easy as (here I am biased though):
    $ python
    >>> from cjklib.characterlookup import CharacterLookup
    >>> cjk = CharacterLookup('T', 'GB2312')
    >>> print ' '.join(cjk.getCharactersForKangxiRadicalIndex(1))
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