With the recent move of the Unicode Inc. Headquarters we now have our
new voice and fax phone numbers permanently established. You wish to
make a note of them :
Voice phone: (408) 777-3721
Fax: (408) 777-3784
In addition, our fax is now dedicated solely to Unicode Inc. business
(rather than being shared with our host company), so we look forward to
even better service.
The Unicode Inc. mailing address is unchanged:
Unicode Consortium
P.O. Box 700519
San Jose, CA 95170-0519
As always, for any questions please contact Steve Greenfield at these numbers,
Mike Kernaghan, VP Unicode Inc.
From: "Steve Greenfield" <steve_greenfield@taligent.com>
To: "Minutes DL" <minutes@Unicode.ORG>; "Unicode DL"
<unicode@Unicode.ORG>; "Unicore DL" <unicore@Unicode.ORG>
Cc: "Officer DL" <officers@Unicode.ORG>; "Steve Greenfield"
Subject: Unicode, Inc. Moving To New
Date: Monday, January 08, 1996 10:03AM
The Unicode Consortium's Headquarters will be in transition for the next
few days. We are going to be moving to a new site; Microsoft Corporation's
PowerPoint Development Unit in Cupertino, CA.
Thank you.
Steven A. Greenfield
Office Manager
Unicode, Inc.
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