Re: Ess-zed (was: Ligaturing)

From: Alain LaBont\i SCT (
Date: Fri Aug 22 1997 - 13:21:40 EDT

A 10:42 22/08/97 -0700, Michael Everson a écrit :
>I would support the encoding of a capital sharp S. But I've said that
>before. ;-)

[Alain] :
So did I, years ago, on many occasions. It is required for reversing
capital SS to small letter ß without needing a table of words, which
applications' resource restrictions do not always allow us to have. Now I
shut up.

Beste Grüße.

Alain LaBonté

« Le yin d'une langue, c'est qu'elle nous permet de communiquer.
  Le yang d'une langue, c'est qu'elle nous empêche de communiquer. »
(the yin of a language is that it allows us to communicate;
 the yang of a language is that it precludes us to communicate).


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