Might I make one suggestion, to make life easier for recipients of msgs?
(NB. Advice not for list owners, but for users.)
If you wish to make unicode@unicode.org one recipient among several, would
you mind making it the _first _ recipient? Not doing so had the effect of
force-filing the attached incoming msg from Juliusz Chroboczek under
'Dennis L. Goyette Sr.', instead of 'Unicode'!
Taking as an example that msg just come in from Juliusz (no reflection on
him, just using his mail as an example), please see its headers (below) and
note that unless unicode@unicode.org comes first in the To: field, not just
second, third, or relegated to a Cc: place, there's many a mail filter which
will probably not be able to use that information for filtering purposes.
Just a suggestion for users which I think would really help.
Re: Displaying unicode.....
04 Apr 2001 14:53:01 +0100
Juliusz Chroboczek <jec@dcs.ed.ac.uk>
"Dennis L. Goyette Sr." <dennisg@metronics.com>
1 , 2
-- Marion Gunn Everson Gunn Teoranta <http://www.egt.ie>
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