Re: On the possibility of guidance code points for the PrivateUse Area

From: Rick McGowan (
Date: Mon Apr 23 2001 - 14:10:00 EDT

Doug Ewell quoted:

>"By convention, the Private Use Area is divided into a Corporate Use subarea,
>starting at U+F8FF and extending downward in values, and an End User subarea,
>starting at U+E000 and extending upward."

Then Michael Everson wrote:

> This has nothing to do with ISO/IEC 10646.
> Who decides who is corporate?

The original intent was that if you think you're writing "platform"
software, you could consider starting at the top of the "Corporate Use
subarea"; and if you think you're an "end user" you could consider starting
at the bottom of the "End User subarea". This would give a way for
platforms to sort of avoid colliding with real end-user codepoints.

But of course, as Michael points out:

> all users are free to use any position in the PUA


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