UTF-8 on this list

From: Ayers, Mike (Mike_Ayers@bmc.com)
Date: Mon Apr 30 2001 - 16:21:27 EDT

        Long after upgrading to Win2K, setting up all my fonts, and testing
everything, I've come to a conclusion: there are darn few Unicode text
messages on the Unicode mail list (i.e. characters are referred to by
codepoint, but the character itself is never included). In fact, I think
I've seen more HTML messages than Unicode messages. Also, I've never seen
the issue raised. Is it considered wrong to send Unicode messages (instead
of using U+xxxx notation), or do few people have the proper setup (or are we
just being considerate to those who don't)? Have we even thought about
this? I would think that this list should be one of the first places to see
regular usage, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

        Enlightenment, anyone?

/|/|ike /+yers
Test Engineer
BMC Software
                                             Beware of geeks bearing gifts.

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