> From: DougEwell2@cs.com [mailto:DougEwell2@cs.com]
> For the Han characters, I have found in the past that people
> whose native
> language does not use these characters usually refer to them
> as "Chinese."
> Obviously (to us anyway), calling them "Chinese characters"
> is not adequate,
> so we search for alternatives.
"Hanzi" -> "Chinese characters"
"Kanji" -> "Chinese characters"
"Hanja" -> "Chinese characters"
...so it would seem that everyone but us agrees on what to call 'em.
P.S. While "Han" and "Chinese" are not interchangeable when referring to
people (i.e. the Han people are only a majority subset of the Chinese
people), in this case the difference is virtually indistinguishable, so I
use them interchangeably.
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