Re: YO, ho ho, and a bottle of vodka

From: Rick McGowan (
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 16:13:48 EST

Lars M. G. wrote:

> I thought you'd mistyped it ('g' is next to 'f' on the keyboard), but
> presumably it was Larissa Bonfante who hit the wrong key, and not you.

As long as we're totally off-topic and rambling... To be open-minded, we
should consider that the document may have been re-typed by some underpaid
staff typist quietly suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in a sweltering
composing room of the publisher. The only way to find out for sure is to
ask someone in the know.

Meanwhile, we have three contenders for the name: Ruca, Ruga, and Rufa.
And people are now citing relative Google hit counts (!?) as the ultimate
authority on Latin history and spelling of personal names? Times are bad


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