Re: YO, ho ho, and a bottle of vodka
From: Lars Marius Garshol (
Date: Mon Nov 05 2001 - 15:46:17 EST
- Previous message: Otto Stolz: "Re: YO, ho ho, and a bottle of vodka"
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* Lars Marius Garshol
| Bright and Daniels gives his name as "Spurius Carvilius Rufa".
* Michael Everson
| Sampson gives Ruga. And so do 28 documents searched in Google. Google
| gives none with Rufa (for what it's worth).
I thought you'd mistyped it ('g' is next to 'f' on the keyboard), but
presumably it was Larissa Bonfante who hit the wrong key, and not you.
--Lars M.
- Previous message: Otto Stolz: "Re: YO, ho ho, and a bottle of vodka"
- In reply to: Michael Everson: "Re: YO, ho ho, and a bottle of vodka"
- Next in thread: Frank da Cruz: "Re: YO, ho ho, and a bottle of vodka"
- Next in thread: Rick McGowan: "Re: YO, ho ho, and a bottle of vodka"
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