Re: Unicode - Bengali

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 09:36:34 EDT

From: "* Ranju *" <>
> I'm the author of Alpona Portal (
> Fortunately your mail reached me and I read it. At first I personally
> you for visiting my site.
> I have some comments regarding your mail:

I think there may be a slight misunderstanding -- the "hack" font reference
was not intended as a questioning of the legality of the font. On a Unicode
forum, fonts that do not support Unicode (something that almost all
TTFs/OTFs do now) look like something "hacky" when talking on a Unicode
forum (such as this one).

Now, the site incorrectly make some assertions about things that "must be
changed in Unicode" but these changes are not required -- the current
encoding allows support for the script. There is no interest in adding
multiple ways to encode the same characters, which is what the addition of
such characters would do.

The FAQ I reference in my posting is an excellent description of the Unicode
Consortium's position on this matter:


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc. --

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