Kenneth Whistler wrote:
> > At 04:48 PM 02-08-02, Kenneth Whistler wrote:
> >
> > >... and some extreme case
> > >orthographies are known that employ up to *hepta*graphs!
> >
> > Ooo, I want one! Do you have any examples, Ken?
> If I recall correctly, that one was a technical orthography
> of Nama -- but I can't track down an online reference at the
> moment.
If you also consider transliterations, the single Cyrillic letter "щ" is
transliterated as "schtsch" in German.
But, as "щ" actually represents a sequence of two Russian phonemes ([S] +
[tS]), and German "schtsch" could be considered a transcription rather that
a transliteration, the sequence could even be considered as trigraph "sch"
followed by tetragraph "tsch".
_ Marco
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