At 13:03 03/08/02 -0700, Doug Ewell wrote:
> I don't know of any alphabet that uses all of the characters (ã,
> ẽ, ĩ, õ, ũ, ỹ).
I think our brazilian correspondant is thinking about old portuguese;
the tilde was quite usual atop "u" and "e" in Middle Age texts (before
any kind of orthographic stabilization, mind). I'm not quite sure about
tiles on "i" and "y", but I wouldn't be surprised.
And of course there is also Mende and Estonian, using some of the above.
(Caro Filipe, creio que você está pensando em digitação de português
antigo, e para isso necessita de todas essas letras com til, certo?
P.f., se me quiser responder dirija-se a <>)
-- ____.
António MARTINS-Tuválkin, | ()|
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PT-1885-050 MOSCAVIDE (LRS) Não me invejo de quem tem |
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