Tex Texin scripsit:
> Why would you want them to be for internal-use only? When you exchange
> regular expressions wouldn't you want operators such as "any character"
> to be passed as well, and standardized so that there is agreement on the
> meaning of the expression?
Regular expressions are usually interchanged using (some approximation of)
Posix syntax, so as "abc.*\*", not "abc<ANY><STAR>*". Note the phrase
"compiled form" in my posting.
> It is also not clear to me that it is desirable to encode operators of
> regular expressions as individual characters, because then you get into
> the slippery slope of encoding operators for every function that someone
> might want, and that is what started this thread isn't it...
Ah, but for internal use you can do what you want with the 66 non-characters
and the 4 pseudo-non-characters.
> (But a Unicode APL operator set would be nice. ;-) )
Um, we have one of those, don't we?
-- John Cowan jcowan@reutershealth.com I am a member of a civilization. --David Brin
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