Re: CJK Extension C

Date: Tue Oct 03 2006 - 23:24:42 CST

  • Next message: Jukka K. Korpela: "Re: Should names for sexes be included into CLDR?"

    The roadmap for "new" CJK characters is to place them in plane 2, since the
    whole of plane 2 is roadmap for CJK charcters, at present only extension B.
    Extension C will be added sometime, and unless unicode decides to become very
    inventive with extension names eventually extensions D, E, F will go into palne
    2 until it is full after which some other area will need to be roadmapped for
    more CJK characters. {After Extension C is added only 20 thousand places remain
    in plane 2, however very few places in planes 3-14 have been roadmapped yet;
    planes 15 and 16 are designated as PUA [corperate/private use areas]}

    there are many extension C's in unicode, here we are talking about unified cjk
    extension C

    Quoting James Kass <>:

    > Dominikus Scherkl wrote,
    > >Hello, I found the Extension C in the current roadmap, but the
    > >link goes to the proposal for Myanmar ?!?
    > The best bet for character repertoire charts seems to be these PDF
    > files which were linked earlier in this thread:
    > These charts don't use proposed Unicodes, though.
    > A quick analysis of the data in these charts supports the total
    > new characters figure of 4219 given by Kenneth Whistler.
    > Is there a Unicode-based chart which should be linked on the
    > road map?
    > Best regards,
    > James Kass

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