From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Fri Oct 26 2007 - 00:48:36 CDT
John H. Jenkins <jenkins at apple dot com> wrote:
>>> If the allocation of CJKV codepoints continues to be donr in this
>>> way, then for modern CJKV coverage will require not only BMP and
>>> plane 1 support but also, in the future, plane 3 suport.
>> (Should be plane 2, BTW.)
> No, he meant plane 3. If the current explosion of extremely rare Han
> characters continues, we'll have to start putting them in plane 3
> before long.
I am certain that what was meant was, "If the allocation of CJKV code
points continues to be done in this way, then modern CJKV coverage will
require not only BMP and plane 2 support but also, in the future, plane
3 support."
-- Doug Ewell * Fullerton, California, USA * RFC 4645 * UTN #14 NEW E-MAIL --> dewell at roadrunner dot com NEW URL --> ˆ
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