Date: Fri Oct 26 2007 - 03:43:15 CDT
Quoting Doug Ewell <>:
> John H. Jenkins <jenkins at apple dot com> wrote:
>>>> If the allocation of CJKV codepoints continues to be donr in this
>>>> way, then for modern CJKV coverage will require not only BMP and
>>>> plane 1 support but also, in the future, plane 3 suport.
>>> (Should be plane 2, BTW.)
>> No, he meant plane 3. If the current explosion of extremely rare
>> Han characters continues, we'll have to start putting them in plane
>> 3 before long.
> I am certain that what was meant was, "If the allocation of CJKV code
> points continues to be done in this way, then modern CJKV coverage will
> require not only BMP and plane 2 support but also, in the future, plane
> 3 support."
Yes precisely, and some of the plane 3 characters will be characters
in current usage.
> --
> Doug Ewell * Fullerton, California, USA * RFC 4645 * UTN #14
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