status of Jindai scripts?

From: Thomas Chan (
Date: Tue Jul 03 2001 - 10:21:45 EDT

Hi all,

I'd like to ask about the encoding status of the Japanese "Jindai"
scripts, which are mentioned in older documents[1], and until a certain
point in time, versions of the Roadmap.

Here's a scan of a partial table of over a dozen Jindai scripts (except
the rightmost column, which is modern katakana "a" to "sa"), from part of
the appendix to He 2000[2]:

[1] e.g., "Concerning Future Allocations" (April 11, 1993)

[2] HE Qunxiong \u4f55\u7fa4\u96c4's _Hanzi zai Riben_
    \u6f22\u5b57\u5728\u65e5\u672c (Han Characters in Japan) (Hong Kong:
    Shangwu \u5546\u52d9, 2001). Book is in Chinese.

Thomas Chan

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