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By-Type Chart: Date & Time:Ethiopic-Amete-Alem

Core Data: Alphabetic Information | Main Exemplars | Punctuation Exemplars | Index Exemplars | Numbering Systems
Locale Display Names: Locale Name Patterns | Languages (A-D) | Languages (E-J) | Languages (K-N) | Languages (O-S) | Languages (T-Z) | Scripts | Geographic Regions | Territories (North America) | Territories (South America) | Territories (Africa) | Territories (Europe) | Territories (Asia) | Territories (Oceania) | Locale Variants | Keys
Date & Time: Fields | Relative | Gregorian | Generic | Buddhist | Chinese | Coptic | Dangi | Ethiopic | Ethiopic-Amete-Alem | Hebrew | Indian | Islamic | Japanese | Persian | Minguo
Timezones: Timezone Display Patterns | North America | South America | Africa | Europe | Russia | Western Asia | Central Asia | Eastern Asia | Southern Asia | Southeast Asia | Australasia | Antarctica | Oceania | Unknown Region | Overrides
Numbers: Symbols | Number Formatting Patterns | Compact Decimal Formatting
Currencies: North America (C) | South America (C) | Northern/Western Europe | Southern/Eastern Europe | Northern Africa | Western Africa | Middle Africa | Eastern Africa | Southern Africa | Western Asia (C) | Central Asia (C) | Eastern Asia (C) | Southern Asia (C) | Southeast Asia (C) | Oceania (C) | Unknown Region (C)
Units: Measurement Systems | Duration | Graphics | Length Metric | Length Other | Area | Volume Metric | Volume US | Volume Other | Speed and Acceleration | Mass and Weight | Energy and Power | Electrical and Frequency | Weather | Digital | Coordinates | Other Units Metric | Other Units Metric Per | Other Units US | Other Units | Compound Units
Characters: Category | Smileys & Emotion | People & Body | People & Body 2 | Animals & Nature | Food & Drink | Travel & Places | Travel & Places 2 | Activities | Objects | Objects2 | Emoji Symbols | Punctuation | Math Symbols | Other Symbols | Flags | Component | Typography
Miscellaneous: Displaying Lists | Minimal Pairs | Person Name Formats
Eras - wide
0English: ‹ERA0›
0. tidsalder ·no·
annu de su mundu ·sc·
Taʻu ʻĪtiōpia-ʻAmete-ʻAlemi ·to·
tijdperk 0 ·nl·
埃塞俄比亚阿米特阿莱姆历 ·zh·
Eras - abbreviated
0English: ‹ERA0›
0. t.a. ·no·
a.m. ·sc·
era 0 ·nl·
ERA0 ·all·others·
TIAA ·to·
𞤘𞤋𞤈𞥐 ·ff_Adlm·
Eras - narrow
0English: ‹ERA0›
TA0 ·no·

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