Re: GB18030

From: Yung-Fong Tang (
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 16:07:43 EDT

David Starner wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 26, 2001 at 06:17:15PM -0700, Yung-Fong Tang wrote:
> > Sure Unicode defined those planes, but defining planes without defining the characters in it mean not too much to people. How can
> > you implement case conversion, property mapping without knowing what is inside.
> How do you do that for BMP characters? There's a whole lot you can do
> without knowing the identity of a character. You can draw the glyph from
> a font, which will suffice for a lot of purposes.

Draw a glyph from a font to implement case conversion, property mapping ? I don't know how can you do that.

> > In particular, DOES GB18030 define code point to
> > code point mapping (beyond BMP) between Unicode? Unless you can said that is YES and show me the specification how to map between
> > them, there are no way people can implement code set conversion between GB18030 and Unicode.

That is my quetion DOES it define so. I don't have the access to THE specification itself and asking help to get one. Do you have the
access to the specification and DOES it specify so?

> Have you looked for the specification? Or are you just going to complain
> on the list?

I am not complain on the list. I am asking for confirmation about what is in the specification.

> According to GNU libc, the algorithm for coverting a Unicode character
> ch outside the BMP to GB18030 to outptr (1 .. 4) is:
> idx := ch + 16#1E248#;
> outptr (4) := (idx div 10) + 16#30#;
> idx := idx / 10;
> outptr (3) := (idx div 126) + 16#81#;
> idx := idx / 126;
> outptr (2) := (idx div 10) + 16#30#;
> outptr (1) := (idx / 10) + 16#81#;

Thanks for provide me such information, although I havce no clue what does "16#1E248#" mean here. I assume it mean 0x1e248, is that

> --
> David Starner -
> Pointless website:
> When the aliens come, when the deathrays hum, when the bombers bomb,
> we'll still be freakin' friends. - "Freakin' Friends"

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