Re: Unicode Latin combining diacritics - Looking for real-world example documents

From: Andrew Cunningham (
Date: Mon Apr 01 2002 - 23:56:19 EST

Hi Chris,

I'm currently type setting some Dinka poetry for a friend.

Dinka requires a combining diaeresis with open-o and open-e info at

a sample utf-8 web page is at

this poem plus another one arre attached as text documents (utf-8)

Additionally, for linguistical purposes you could also add tone markers
as well (grave and acute) but this isn't used in day to day writing.

I'll try to source some Nuer text which uses a macron below.

> Chris Pratley wrote:
> Does anyone have real-world documents in Unicode that take advantage
> of Latin Combining Diacritics (U+0300 range and others) to accurately
> represent the text content? If so, I would appreciate links or docs
> mailed to me.
> We’re doing some testing of Latin Diacritic support for IPA and
> African languages, romanizations, etc., and it is (understandably)
> very hard to find any “real” text in languages that require this
> support where the diacritics have not been left out in order to work
> around the lack of software support. (Catch-22!). I’m looking for
> text (especially with stacked diacritics) in IPA, Hausa, Ewe, or other
> West African languages, Mixtec or other Mexican languages, Dinka,
> Nuer, etc. Basically anything that is real-world and shows off typical
> or tricky diacritic combinations. If you could include an image or at
> least a verbal description to show what the display would be if it
> were correct, that would be lovely.
> I’m not promising anything, but I know that there are several (many)
> people on this list who would be interested in having this support in
> Word or other Microsoft products, so now’s your chance to influence
> the outcome – if we’re going to get it done right I need your
> help!
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris Pratley
> Group Program Manager
> Microsoft Word
> Sent with OfficeXP on WindowsXP

Yeŋa ba wɛ̈l ɣakɔ̈u
M. A. M.

Yeŋa ba wɛ̈l ɣakɔ̈u
Yeŋa ba wɛ̈l ɣakɔ̈u
Yeŋa bï kɔ̈ɔ̈c ɣakɔ̈u
Yeŋa ba wɛ̈l ɣakɔ̈u.

Na tiëŋ cam ku cuëc,
Ka cïn raan kääc ke ɣɛɛn.
Na liɛɛc ɣakɔ̈u ku ɣanhom,
Ka cïn raan, kääc ke ɣɛn.
Kuatdiɛ̈ adaai të nɛ̈k alei ɣa thïn
Apirika acä wɛ̈l yekɔ̈u.

Yeŋö cï wuɔ̈ɔ̈t ɣa maan
Yeŋö cï wuɔ̈ɔ̈t ɣa maan
Kɔc wäär bïï yanhden
Aa kääc roor të mec
Ku alei anɛ̈k ɣa yanhden.
Yeŋö ye wuɔ̈ɔ̈t yethok mat
Bïk ɣa cɔl adhur kuat ce thok mat.

Yeŋö ye alei lɔ̈ɔ̈r yupic
Yeŋo yen lɔ̈ɔ̈r guɔ̈t köök
Yeŋo ye alei ɣa guɔ̈t pïny wakɔ̈u.
Acï weŋ peec ku peec thɔ̈k
Acï Deŋ peec ku peec Nyankiir
Adhur ɣɛn ke wämäth akën
Ku kɔc ken ye kek yanh tök theek
Ku acïn raan kony ɣɛɛn.

Yeŋa ba wɛ̈l ɣakɔ̈u
Yeŋa ba wɛ̈l ɣakɔ̈u
Apirika, acä wɛ̈l yekɔ̈u
Acä päl alei.
Bï alei ɣa näk bɛɛŋ
Ku ke yic yen anɛ̈k ɣɛɛn
Yiny wïc ɣɛn piɛnydiɛ̈.

Aŋic pinynhom lɔc cï Muɔnyjäŋ thuɔu gam
Ku thou atɛɛr ke pïïr
Na bɔ̈ piɛnydiɛ̈ bei
Ke Nhialic abä bɛn cuɔ̈ɔ̈t
Köŋ cuëëc ë Deŋ Abuk
Aba bɛn cuɔ̈ɔ̈t
Ku abä wɛ̈ɛ̈r bei.
Yic acie tiaam
Yic acie thou
Cɔk run bɛ̈ɛ̈n Loŋär bɛ̈n
Ke Nhialic abä bɛn cuɔ̈ɔ̈t.

Acïn të liu yuɔmkiɛ̈ thïn
Yïn kiir ɣer ku kiir col
Cäk ɣa päl alei
Cäk ɣa päl alei
Yeŋa cït ɣɛɛn
Yeŋa cï yɔŋ yaaŋ yic buɔɔt
Ɣɛn acï cuäny ɣöt ke miëthkiɛ̈
Arak thiäär.
Ɣɛn acï nɔ̈k bï ɣa luɔ̈i akuut
Ku acïn raan cï alei thiëëc.

Kɔc ë pinynhom kɔc tɛ̈k yiith
Cäk la dë
Cï alei week dɔ̈m määth
Na week kɔc ye ɣok, ke yanh tök theek
Cï alei week ɣɔɔc
Na cäk jai Jesu,
Ke ɣok aabï rɔ̈m pan nhial ë Kristo.

Wun ë Tiɛɛl acie Mac ku Pan Cïnic Bɛ̈ny ee riääk aköl
Muɔrwël Ater Muɔrwël

Jɔlku muɔ̈l teer
Ku yeku röt nhiaar
Acïn raan ben Muɔnyjäŋ nhiaar
Ee Muɔnyjäŋ yen acï ya anyaar
Yen ajɔl wuɔ̈ɔ̈t thäär.

Ariɔ̈ny kiith wäär cï thiaan
Kek aa jam ka bï Muɔnyjäŋ tiaam
Ku këden acä ye bɛ̈ɛ̈r
Ɣok aa kɔc thiääk
Aköl le ɣɛn rɔ̈m ke keek
Aabï dhiau arak thiäär
Rin ɣɛn ee moc arak thiäär.

Ee raan dhɛ̈l ɣa yen acä ye ŋuään
Ku yen aye cuɔ̈p teer
Ku na cɔk kë ɣa keer
Ke ɣɛn acï kɛt keek.
Thɔndït ee nöök të piiny,
Ɣɛn ee Muɔnyjäŋ.
Ɣɛn ee Muɔnyjäŋ.

Jɔlku muɔ̈l teer
Ku yeku röt theek
Rin puɔ̈n cïnic teer
Yen abï Nhialic ɣok thiee
Ku yen abï Nhialic ɣok röt kueeŋ
Ku yen abï ɣok röt deer.

Na cuk röt ë theek
Ka alei ee ɣo wïc yiic
Ë raan cuai bï keeth
Ku rum käkua bï pïïr ë keek
Ku benku ya dhiau ɣok aacï alei peec
Ku ke tiɛldan cï ɣok ë mat
Yen acï alei ɣok ë theek.

Duɔ̈kkë ye mïth ë röt
Acï kɔc ë leec
Ku ee yï mac theer
Ku acïn Muɔnyjäŋ ye mac theer
Diët Muɔnyjäŋ acie baai keer
Aa mïïth kek acï ɣok yiëk teer
Ku yen acï alei ɣok ë theek
Ku rum käkua bï pïïr ë keek
Ku benku ya dhiau ɣok aacï alei peec
Ku ke tiɛldan cï ɣok ë mat
Yen acï alei ɣok ë theek.

Jɔlku muɔ̈l teer
Alei acï ɣok leel
Buk yanhde ya theek
Ku cuk yäthkua ye theek
Ku na cɔkku yanhden theek
Ka ŋuɔt cïk gam buk nhïïm thöŋ ke keek
Rin alei, ku cɔk yiëk moor
Ka cï yï kɔŋ leec.

Matku ɣo yiic
Matku ɣo yiic
Ku yeku röt deet
Ëtë bï ɣok piir thïn ke keek
Ee ciɛɛŋda ku yanhda
Yen atëërku ke keek
Ku acä bï päl keek
Abul lueel ɣo keek.
Nhialic yekë muk kethook
Ku aliu kepuöth, acuk bï kaŋ mat ɣo keek.

Acïn ciɛɛŋ wär ciɛɛŋ Muɔnyjäŋ
Acïn yanh wär yanh Muɔnyjäŋ
Yanhdan yeku theek
Acïnic teer, ku aye ɣok koc theek
Rin yath acï kɔc ye teet.

Jɔ̈ɔ̈l wäär nyuuc wädït
Aacä ye teet.
Të cɔk kek ɣa luöi ruëëny
Ka cä ye dhuk nhom keek
Rin jäl aye wut theek
Yen aye ɣɛn keek theek
Na cïk röt ye theek
Ke aköl le ɣɛn ye gäm keek
piny abï ɣo dak ɣo keek.

Lueth ku ruëëny ku luɔɔm ku
Jëijëi wël acie käkiɛ̈.
Aa lueth kek acä kɛ̈ɛ̈k ke keek.
Acä gam bï manhdiɛ̈ piɔ̈ɔ̈c keek.
Na le mïth cie ciɛɛŋden ye theek,
Ku gamkë bï alei keek piɔ̈ɔ̈c lueth
Ku ruëëny ku jëijëi wël,
Ku aa lueth kek acä kɛ̈ɛ̈k ke keek,
Ka ŋuɛ̈ɛ̈n bïk röt mät keek.
Lueth ku ruëëny acie käkiɛ̈
Aa keek aŋïc keek
Acä gam bï manhdiɛ̈ piɔ̈ɔ̈c keek
Baai acuk kuɔ̈c cieŋ ɣo keek
Aŋuɛ̈ɛ̈n buk puɔ̈k ɣo keek.

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