Re: Interleaved collation of related scripts

From: Mark E. Shoulson (
Date: Fri May 14 2004 - 13:09:07 CDT

  • Next message: Mike Ayers: "RE: [BULK] - RE: interleaved ordering (was RE: Phoenician)"

    Anto'nio Martins-Tuva'lkin wrote:

    >Peter Kirk wrote:
    >>PS Multi-language bibliographies are common in Russian books. They
    >>are usually printed with the Latin script entries following the
    >>Cyrillic script ones, but I have seen interleaved ones.
    >Check also < > and foll.;
    >and also < > and foll.
    Fascinating. I note the interleaving only seems to happen with Cyrillic
    (in the shipping companies, at least: I didn't go through the
    bibliography). Or rather, Cyrillic is the only non-Latin alphabet I
    saw. Specifically, I looked for the entry for Zim shipping, an Israeli
    company, and it was only under Z, with its Latin spelling (this may be
    its official name, though; I'm not sure)


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