conference title image

Wednesday, April 6

Pre-Conference Tutorials

Track A

Track B

Track C

Web Internationalization


Unicode and Writing Systems


Session TA1:

Web Internationalization:
Standards and Practice

Tex Texin - Internationalization Architect, Yahoo! Inc., USA

Yves Savourel - Localization Solutions Architect, ENLASO Corporation, USA

Session TB1:

Unicode and Language Support
in Francophone Africa

Donald Osborn, Bisharat, China

African Languages and IT:
Localizing the Future?

Donald Osborn, Bisharat, China

Spelling Correctors to Improve Production and Diffusion of
Linguistic Knowledge
- French version

Chantal Enguehard, Assistant Professor, University of Nantes, France

Sustainable Transcription of
African Languages

Christian Chanard, Linguistics Engineer, CNRS, France

Session TC1a and b:

Unicode Demystified Part I:
Character Encoding Basics

Richard Gillam, Software Developer, Language Analysis Systems, Inc., USA
(50 minutes)

An Introduction to Writing Systems

Richard Ishida, Internationalization Activity, W3C, UK (2hrs 10 minutes)

Level: Beginner

Level: N/A

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced





Session TA2:

Getting Started with ICU

Vladimir Weinstein, Software Engineer,
IBM Corporation, USA

Session TB2:

Developing Unicode Fonts
with FontLab Applications

Adam Twardoch, Scripting Products and Marketing Manager, FontLab Ltd., Germany

Session TC2:

The Unicode 4.0 Tutorial:
Fundamental Specifications

Asmus Freytag, President,

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Level: Advanced


User Interface



Session TA3:

XML and Localization

Yves Savourel, Localization Solutions Architect, ENLASO Corporation, USA

Session TB3:

Cultural User Interface Design

Michael McKenna, California Digital Library, University of California, USA

Session TC3:

The Unicode 4.0 Tutorial:
Unicode Algorithms

Asmus Freytag, President,

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Level: Advanced

Thursday, April 7

27th Internationalization & Unicode Conference

Welcome Address

9:00 - 9:05

Welcome Address

Lisa Moore,
Co-chair, 27th Internationalization and Unicode Conference

Keynote Address

9:05 - 9:45

Decode Unicode - The Open Science Database

Professor Johannes Bergerhausen,
Fachhochschule Mainz/University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Track A

Track B

Track C

Multilingual/Multicultural Computing

Programming Language
and Frameworks



Session A1:

Internationalized Domain Names in
the Management of Cultural Heritage

Cary Karp, President, Museum Domain Management Association, Sweden

Session B1:

ICU Overview: The Open-Source
Unicode Library, v3.2

Markus Scherer, Manager, Globalization Center San Jose, IBM Corporation, USA

Session C1:

"Arroz" by Any Other Name:
Unicode and Named Entities

Richard Gillam, Software Developer, Language Analysis Systems, Inc., USA

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Multilingual/Multicultural Computing

Programming Language
and Frameworks



Session A2:

Multilingual Metasearch Issues: Searching, Finding, and Archiving
Data of the World

Michael McKenna, California Digital Library, University of California, USA

Session B2:

Globalization Improvements in Microsoft .NET Framework v2.0

Achim Ruopp, International Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation, USA

Session C2:

Collation in ICU

Vladimir Weinstein, Software Engineer,
IBM Corporation, USA

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Level: Intermediate

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Multilingual/Multicultural Computing

Programming Language
and Frameworks



Session A3:

Cultural Diversity Management
in E-Learning Environments

Gerhard Budin, Professor,
University of Vienna, Austria

Session B3:

Creating Multilingual Applications
and Websites with Microsoft
Visual Studio 2005

Achim Ruopp, International Program Manager, Microsoft Corporation, USA

Session C3:

Optimizing the Usage of Normalization

Vladimir Weinstein, Software Engineer,
IBM Corporation, USA

Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Level: Intermediate

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Multilingual/Multicultural Computing




Session A4:

The Multilingual Lion:
TeX learns to Speak Unicode

Jonathan Kew, Script Engineer,
SIL International, UK

Session B4:

L10n Workflow - Translation
Project Management Best Practices

Frank Bergmann, Founder,
Project/Open, Spain

Session C4:

Transliteration Survey

Michael McKenna, California Digital Library, University of California, USA

Level: Intermediate

Level: Beginner, Intermediate


Multilingual/Multicultural Computing




Session A5:

Community Unicode: The Challenges
and Successes Behind the Award-Winning Multikulti Website

Dan McQuillan, Project Leader and
Chief Technical Officer, London Advice Services Alliance, UK

Session B5

XLIFF in Motion

Kevin Bargary, Researcher LRC,
Localisation Research Centre (LRC), Ireland

Reinhard Schäler, Director LRC,
Localisation Research Centre (LRC), Ireland

Session C5:

Analyzing Unicode Text: Regular Expressions, Boundaries, Sets and More

Markus Scherer, Manager, Globalization Center San Jose, IBM Corporation, USA

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Multilingual/Multicultural Computing




Session A6:

The Real Challenges in
Global Publishing

Jürgen Haas, Product Marketing Director, Arbortext, Germany

Session B6:

Localizing with XLIFF & ICU

Steven Loomis, Software Engineer,
IBM, San Jose Globalization Center of Competency, USA

Session C6:

Robust Vertical Text Layout and CSS3 Text: Using the Unicode BIDI Algorithm to Handle Complexities in Typesetting Multi-Script Vertical Text

Elika Etemad, Invited Expert, W3C CSS Working Group / Princeton University, USA

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Level: Intermediate

Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Expanded EU and Computing




Session A7:

From the Keyboard to the Screen and
In-Between - Multilingual Issues in
the EU's Enlarged IT Environment

Annerose Hümbert and Wolfgang Keber, DIaLOGIKa, Germany

Session B7:

Rainbow Localization Tools

Yves Savourel, Localization Solutions Architect, ENLASO Corporation, USA

Session C7:

The Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
in Business Applications

Phillip Sievers, Developer i18n,
SAP AG, Germany

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Expanded EU and Computing




Session A8:

Fonts Designed for the
Expanded European Union

Thomas Caldwell, Font Development Coordinator, Linotype Library GmbH, Germany

Session B8:

Processing Non-Unicode Markup Language Formats in Unicode-Based Localization Environments

Daniel Brockmann, Senior Product Manager, TRADOS GmbH, Germany

Session C8:

A Model for Handling the Arabic Script

Thomas Milo, President, DecoType,
The Netherlands

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Level: Advanced


Expanded EU and Computing




Session A9:

EU Expansion and the Future of
the Java Desktop System

Alexander Kachur, Lead Engineer,
Sun Microsystems, Ireland

Session B9:

Panel Presentation
IGNITE: Linguistic Infrastructure
for Localisation: Language Data,
Tools and Standards

Reinhard Schäler (Moderator), Director LRC, Localisation Research Centre (LRC), Ireland

Session C9:

Arabic Mathematical Symbols
in Unicode

Khalid Sami, Professor of Mathematics,
Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Special Event Dinner

Friday, April 8

27th Internationalization & Unicode Conference

Track A

Track B

Track C

Web Internationalization

Database and Migration



Session A10:

New Developments at the W3C

Richard Ishida, Internationalization Activity, W3C, UK

Addison Phillips, Director, Globalization Architecture, webMethods, Inc., USA

Session B10:

Expanding the Unicode World to
Support Existing Environments

Pat Glenski, IBM i5/OS Globalization Architect, IBM Corporation, USA

Session C10:

Improved Unicode Support in
FontLab Studio 5

Adam Twardoch, Scripting Products and Marketing Manager, FontLab Ltd., Germany

Level: Beginner

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Level: Intermediate, Advanced

Web Internationalization

Database and Migration



Session A11:

Internationalizing Web Addresses

Tex Texin, Internationalization Architect, Yahoo! Inc., USA

Session B11:

An Efficient Approach for Internationalizing a Database Application without Modifying
the Schema

Tieng Yap, Sr. Database and Software Engineer, Blackboard, Inc., USA

Session C11:

Enhancing Unicode Expression
with Interlinear Annotation and Replacement Characters

Tatsuo Kobayashi, Scholex Co., Ltd. Yokohama Japan, JUSTSYSTEM Digital Culture Research Center, Japan

Level: Beginner

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Level: Intermediate , Advanced

Web Internationalization

Database and Migration

Minority and Historic Scripts


Session A12:

Internationalize Web Services
using BPEL and Internationalizing Conversion Web Services

Lei Zhao, Software Engineer, IBM China Software Development Lab, Shanghai, China

Session B12:

Converting non Unicode
Databases to Unicode

Martin Schmidt, Software Engineer,
SAP AG, Germany

Session C12:

Panel Presentation
Filling in the Gaps: Meeting the Needs
of the Academic Community and Minority Populations with Unicode

Deborah Anderson (Moderator), Researcher, Dept. of Linguistics, UC Berkeley, USA

Odd Einar Haugen, Marcus Dohnicht, Michael Everson (Speakers)

Level: Intermediate

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Web Internationalization

Database and Migration

Minority and Historic Scripts


Session A13:

Real-World Challenges in a Multilingual and Multilocale Web CMS Project

Christian Donner, Web and Software Development Expert and Technical
Architect, USA

Session B13:

A Library for Multilingual
Text Processing

Naoto Takahashi, Senior Research Scientist, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan

Session C13:

Global Initiative for Local Computing

Reinhard Schäler, Director of the Localisation Research Centre (LRC), University of Limerick, Ireland

Pat Hall, Professor of Computer Science, Open University, UK

Level: Advanced

Level: Intermediate

Level: Intermediate, Advanced



Indic Scripts


Session A14:

Language Tags and Locale Identifiers:
A Progress Report

Addison Phillips, Director, Globalization Architecture, webMethods, Inc., USA

Session B14:

The Penguin and Unicode:
The State of Unicode and Internationalization in Linux

Edward Trager, Bioinformatics Programmer, Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan Medical Center, USA

Session C14:

Diversifying the Web for all the World's Languages: the Script Encoding Initiative at UC Berkeley

Deborah Anderson, Project Leader, Universal Scripts Project, UC Berkeley, USA

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Level:Intermediate, Advanced

Level: Beginner, Intermediate



Indic Scripts


Session A15:

Panel Presentation
Common Locale Data:
Process, Issues and Challenges

Steven Loomis (Moderator), Software Engineer, IBM, San Jose Globalization Center of Competency, USA

Session B15

Non-BMP Character Support in Linux

Qian Xie, Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China

Session C15:

New in Unicode

Mark Davis, Chief Globalization Architect, IBM Corporation, USA



Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


Mobile Computing

Indic Scripts


Session A16:

Panel Presentation
Common Locale Data:
Process, Issues and Challenges

- continued

Session B16:

Unicode in Mobile Devices

Adil Allawi, Technical Director,
Diwan Software Limited, UK

Session C16:

Challenges of Enabling IT in
the Sinhala Language

Gihan Dias, Advisor, Architectures and Standards, ICT Agency, Sri Lanka


Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Level: Beginner

Program Languages and Frameworks

Mobile Computing

Case Studies


Session A17:

TR 19769: New Character Types in C

Ming Xu, Senior Developer,
SAP AG, Germany

Session B17:

Bringing Internationalization to
Mobile Phones with JSR-238

Jere Käpyaho, Senior Design Engineer, Nokia Corporation, Finland

Session C17:

Unicode Support in Avaya Communication Manager

Charles Wrobel, i18n/Systems Engineer, Avaya, USA

Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Level: Intermediate

Level: Intermediate

Program Languages and Frameworks

Mobile Computing

Case Studies


Session A18:

Advanced Java Globalization

Charles Hornig, Globalization Architect,
IBM Corporation, USA

Session B18:

An Alternative Text Input Method

David Kumhyr and Dustin Kirkland,
Software Engineers, IBM Corporation, USA

Session C18:

Mined: An Editor with Extensive
Unicode and CJK Support for the
Text-based Terminal Environment

Thomas Wolff, Software and Systems Engineer, Siemens, Germany

Level: Advanced

Level: Intermediate

Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Program Languages and Frameworks

Mobile Computing

Case Studies


Session A19:

Are We Counting Bytes Yet?
Writing Encoding Converters
Using Java NIO

Addison Phillips, Director, Globalization Architecture, webMethods, Inc., USA

Session B19:

ICU Performance Tuning
on Mobile Device

Li Mao Yu, Software Engineer, IBM China Software Development Lab, Shanghai, China

Session C19:


Level: Intermediate

Level: Intermediate, Advanced


Global Meeting Services, Inc., (GMS) organizes the Internationalization and Unicode Conferences around the world under an exclusive license granted by the Unicode Consortium. All responsibility for conference finances and operations is borne by GMS. The independent conference board provides technical review of the program and papers. The board serves solely at the pleasure of GMS and is composed of volunteers that are experts in Unicode and in international software development. All inquiries regarding the Internationalization and Unicode Conferences should be addressed to GMS offers full service conference planning and execution. Inquiries for event planning and management should be addressed to

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