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IRG Document Register for 2500–2749

2000–2249 ◀︎◀︎ 2250–2499 ◀︎ Latest Document Register ▶︎ 2750–2999 ▶︎▶︎ 3000–3249
Doc Number Subject Source Date
IRG N2500 IRG Meeting #57 Recommendations and Action Items IRG Convenor 2021-09-17
IRG N2501 SAT Activity Report (IRG Meeting #57) SAT 2021-09-10
IRG N2502 TCA Activity Report (IRG Meeting #57) TCA 2021-09-10
IRG N2503 UK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #57) UK 2021-09-11
IRG N2504 US/Unicode Activity Report (IRG Meeting #57) UTC 2021-08-17
IRG N2505 Vietnam Activity Report (IRG Meeting #57) Vietnam 2021-09-09
IRG N2506 Editorial Report (IRG Meeting #57) — bookmarked feedback CJK Editorial Group 2021-09-17
IRG N2507 Request for Horizontal Extension in the H-column of the ISO/IEC 10646 Standard Hong Kong SAR 2021-08-25
IRG N2508 Request for Glyph Change in the H-column of the ISO/IEC 10646 Standard Hong Kong SAR 2021-08-25
IRG N2509 Revised Proposal to Disunify U+5F50 — bookmarked feedback ZAPRYAGAEV, Alexander 2021-08-08
IRG N2510 Disunification of 3 KP-source characters — bookmarked feedback JIANG, Kushim 2021-08-14
IRG N2511 Glyph issue for U+30759 HUÁNG, Jùnliàng 2021-08-24
IRG N2512R A revised proposal requesting a Horizontal Extension of 51 Hanja chars (previously submitted for ExtF/G/H) ROK 2021-11-02
IRG N2513 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H code chart (DRAFT) WG 2 Convenor 2021-09-22
IRG N2514 UCV & NUCV Lists IWDS Editor 2021-09-30
IRG N2515 IRG Principles and Procedures (Version 15) IRG Convenor 2022-03-17
IRG N2516 IRG Working Set 2021 Version 2.0 IRG 2021-11-22
IRG N2517 IRG Disunified Ideographs from IRG #45 to IRG #57 IRG Chief Editor 2022-03-15
IRG N2518 Suggestions in encoding Taoist Secret Characters WANG, Xieyang 2022-03-13
IRG N2519 Several glyph issues on code charts related to T-Source — bookmarked feedback SIM, CheonHyeong; BAI, Yi 2021-10-07
IRG N2520 Request to move the source reference for UK-02830 WEST, Andrew 2021-11-15
IRG N2521 On the encoding of modern self-created characters — bookmarked feedback WEST, Andrew 2022-01-01
IRG N2522 On the encoding of Daoist-usage characters WEST, Andrew 2022-01-01
IRG N2523 First Call for IRG Meeting #58 (2022-03-14/18, Virtual) IRG Convenor 2022-01-06
IRG N2524 IRG Meeting #58 Participants List IRG Convenor 2022-03-07
IRG N2525 IRG Experts List IRG Convenor 2022-04-15
IRG N2526 China Activity Report (IRG Meeting #58) China 2022-03-12
IRG N2527 Hong Kong SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #58) Hong Kong SAR 2022-03-02
IRG N2528 Macao SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #58) Macao SAR 2022-03-11
IRG N2529 ROK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #58) ROK 2022-03-12
IRG N2530 IRG Meeting #58 Recommendations and Action Items IRG Convenor 2022-03-18
IRG N2531 SAT Activity Report (IRG Meeting #58) SAT 2022-03-12
IRG N2532 TCA Activity Report (IRG Meeting #58) TCA 2022-03-09
IRG N2533 UK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #58) — bookmarked feedback UK 2022-03-09
IRG N2534 US/Unicode Activity Report (IRG Meeting #58) UTC 2022-02-04
IRG N2535 Vietnam Activity Report (IRG Meeting #58) Vietnam 2022-03-12
IRG N2536 Editorial Report (IRG Meeting #58) CJK Editorial Group 2022-03-18
IRG N2537 Disunification request for 8 characters — bookmarked feedback and response SIM, CheonHyeong 2022-01-11
IRG N2538R Submission of One Character for Macao Supplementary Character Set (MSCS) — bookmarked feedback Macao SAR 2022-02-28
IRG N2539 CJK chart 4E30 mixed up — bookmarked feedback UTC 2021-12-18
IRG N2540 Request to discuss how to handle the Sanban Sign for Chinese folk music and local operas — bookmarked feedback CHAN, Eiso 2022-02-15
IRG N2541 V-source issues SIM, CheonHyeong 2022-02-15
IRG N2542 Proposal to replace GU-source by normal G-source SIM, CheonHyeong 2022-02-16
IRG N2543 Proposal to disunify U+5F50 into three separate ideographs—redux — bookmarked feedback LUNDE, Ken 2022-02-18
IRG N2544 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H code chart (DRAFT) WG 2 Convenor 2022-02-25
IRG N2545 G glyph for U+48B4 CHUNG, Jaemin 2022-02-26
IRG N2546 Response to normalization and meaning issues on TCA characters in WS2021 TCA 2022-03-14
IRG N2547 Proposal to introduce level in UCVs BAI, Yi et al. 2022-03-07
IRG N2548 UCV & NUCV Lists IWDS Editor 2022-04-06
IRG N2549 IRG Working Set 2021 Version 3.0 — bookmarked feedback and response IRG 2022-05-30
IRG N2550 IRG Standing Document Summary Version 3 IRG 2022-04-06
IRG N2551 Rules to Restrict the Encoding of Modern “Self-created Characters”— bookmarked feedback IRG Convenor 2022-07-28
IRG N2552 IRG Disunified Ideographs from IRG #45 to IRG #58 IRG Chief Editor 2022-08-02
IRG N2553 Change to V-Source Glyph for U+2143F Vietnam 2022-04-08
IRG N2554R Explanation of Taiwan’s Household Registration Information System and database management — bookmarked feedback TCA 2022-10-14
IRG N2555 Errata of IRG WS2017 v7.0 (CJK Unified Ideographs Extension H) CHAN, Henry 2022-05-08
IRG N2556R2 V-Source Glyph and Codes Updates (Revised) Vietnam 2022-10-20
IRG N2557 First Call for IRG Meeting #59 (2022-10-17/21, Virtual) IRG Convenor 2022-08-17
IRG N2558 IRG Meeting #59 Participants List IRG Convenor 2022-10-12
IRG N2559 IRG Experts List IRG Convenor 2022-08-17
IRG N2560 China Activity Report (IRG Meeting #59) China 2022-10-14
IRG N2561 Hong Kong SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #59) Hong Kong SAR 2022-10-05
IRG N2562 Macao SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #59) Macao SAR 2022-10-12
IRG N2563 ROK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #59) ROK 2022-10-14
IRG N2564 SAT Activity Report (IRG Meeting #59) SAT 2022-10-16
IRG N2565 TCA Activity Report (IRG Meeting #59) TCA 2022-10-14
IRG N2566 UK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #59) UK 2022-10-15
IRG N2567 US/Unicode Activity Report (IRG Meeting #59) UTC 2022-09-07
IRG N2568 Vietnam Activity Report (IRG Meeting #59) Vietnam 2022-10-14
IRG N2569 Editorial Report (IRG Meeting #59) CJK Editorial Group 2022-10-20
IRG N2570 IRG Meeting #59 Recommendations and Action Items IRG Convenor 2022-10-20
IRG N2571 Editorial Report on Miscellaneous Issues (IRG Meeting #59) CJK Editorial Group 2022-10-20
IRG N2572 Proposal to encode five new Ideographic Description Characters — bookmarked feedback LUNDE, Ken et al. 2022-08-24
IRG N2573 ROK Normalization Rules, Version 1.6 ROK 2023-12-01
IRG N2574 Proposal to correct inconsistent total strokes data in the Unihan database LUNDE, Ken 2022-09-06
IRG N2575 Request to confirm three latent M-Source glyphs in the Unification Framework of Chinese Characters Encoding for the Information Systems of Macao SAR and other related issues for TCA and UTC — bookmarked response and feedback CHAN, Eiso 2022-10-06
IRG N2576 Request to add four new UCVs and expand one UCV CHAN, Eiso 2022-10-06
IRG N2577 Request to Update Glyph for U+31D5A — bookmarked response CHAN, Henry; Chung, Woo Chi 2022-10-02
IRG N2578 Comments on encoding early Chinese organic chemical character in WS2021 and other complex ideographs — bookmarked feedback CHAN, Eiso 2022-10-13
IRG N2579 Suggestions for Taoism Sacral Character Encoding — bookmarked feedback TCA et al. 2022-10-14
IRG N2580 T-Source Glyph Correction and Horizontal Extension TCA 2022-10-18
IRG N2581 IRG Working Set 2021 Version 4.0 — bookmarked feedback IRG 2023-01-11
IRG N2582 IRG Principles and Procedures (Version 16) IRG Convenor 203-03-24
IRG N2583 An item WG2 N5194 requests a feedback from IRG SUZUKI, Toshiya 2022-10-18
IRG N2584 UCV & NUCV Lists IWDS Editor 2022-10-29
IRG N2585 Request to change glyphs of 63 K-source Hanja chars in UCS KIM, Kyongsok 2022-11-11
IRG N2586 Request for Glyph Change of 21 T-source Characters in UCS and 4 horizontal extension TCA 2022-10-31
IRG N2587 Glyph and Attribute Changes for IRG N2556R2 Vietnam 2023-03-15
IRG N2588R A revised proposal requesting a Horizontal Extension of 134 Hanja chars — Evidence ZIP (112MB) ROK 2023-03-16
IRG N2589 First Call for IRG Meeting #60 (2023-03-20/24, Virtual) IRG Convenor 2023-02-01
IRG N2590 Logistics Arrangement for IRG Meeting #61 — attached registration form Yale University 2023-05-17
IRG N2591 Draft GB 18030-2022 Amendment Feedback & Recommendations USNB 2023-02-03
IRG N2592 China Activity Report (IRG Meeting #60) China 2023-03-16
IRG N2593 Hong Kong SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #60) Hong Kong SAR 2023-03-07
IRG N2594 Macao SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #60) Macao SAR 2023-03-16
IRG N2595 ROK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #60) ROK 2023-03-09
IRG N2596 SAT Activity Report (IRG Meeting #60) SAT 2023-03-19
IRG N2597 TCA Activity Report (IRG Meeting #60) TCA 2023-03-17
IRG N2598 (unused)
IRG N2599 US/Unicode Activity Report (IRG Meeting #60) UTC 2023-02-07
IRG N2600 IRG Meeting #60 Recommendations and Action Items IRG Convenor 2023-03-24
IRG N2601 Vietnam Activity Report (IRG Meeting #60) Vietnam 2023-03-16
IRG N2602 IRG Meeting #60 Participants List IRG Convenor 2023-03-04
IRG N2603 IRG Experts List IRG Convenor 2023-03-16
IRG N2604 Editorial Report (IRG Meeting #60) CJK Editorial Group 2023-03-24
IRG N2605 Editorial Report on Miscellaneous Issues (IRG Meeting #60) CJK Editorial Group 2023-03-24
IRG N2606 IRG Working Set 2021 Version 5.0 — bookmarked feedback and response IRG 2023-06-19
IRG N2607 Proposal to maintain an evidence collection system in ORT JIANG, Kushim et al. 2023-02-04
IRG N2608 Request for consideration to disunify three KP1-Source characters and other related issues — bookmarked feedback CHAN, Eiso 2023-02-20
IRG N2609 G glyphs for U+25D89 and U+28BBA — bookmarked feedback CHUNG, Jaemin 2023-03-15
IRG N2610 UCV & NUCV Lists IWDS Editor 2023-04-17
IRG N2611 Revised 3 G-Source Glyphs China 2023-03-29
IRG N2612 Issues on Transliteration of Ancient Scripts — bookmarked feedback IRG Convenor 2023-03-24
IRG N2613 Updated T glyph of U+31D5A TCA 2023-03-31
IRG N2614 JTC 1 Code of Conduct JTC 1/SC 2 Secretary 2023-04-02
IRG N2615 UCV & NUCV Lists IWDS Editor 2023-10-30
IRG N2616 Suggestions to correct representative glyphs of 4 CJKUIs WANG, Xieyang 2023-05-04
IRG N2617 (unused)
IRG N2618 IRG Meeting #61 Participants List IRG Convenor 2023-10-04
IRG N2619 IRG Experts List IRG Convenor 2023-10-17
IRG N2620 IRG Meeting #61 Recommendations and Action Items IRG Convenor 2023-10-20
IRG N2621 Editorial Report (IRG Meeting #61) CJK Editorial Group 2023-10-20
IRG N2622 Editorial Report on Miscellaneous Issues (IRG Meeting #61) CJK Editorial Group 2023-10-20
IRG N2623 China Activity Report (IRG Meeting #61) China 2023-10-14
IRG N2624 Hong Kong SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #61) Hong Kong SAR 2023-10-04
IRG N2625 Macao SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #61) Macao SAR 2023-10-12
IRG N2626 ROK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #61) ROK 2023-10-13
IRG N2627 SAT Activity Report (IRG Meeting #61) SAT 2023-10-16
IRG N2628 TCA Activity Report (IRG Meeting #61) TCA 2023-10-14
IRG N2629 UK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #61) UK 2023-09-30
IRG N2630 US/Unicode Activity Report (IRG Meeting #61) UTC 2023-09-21
IRG N2631 Vietnam Activity Report (IRG Meeting #61) Vietnam 2023-10-13
IRG N2632 IRG Working Set 2021 Version 6.0 IRG 2024-02-20
IRG N2633 First Call for IRG Meeting #61 (2023-10-16/20, New Haven, Connecticut, USA) IRG Convenor 2023-05-18
IRG N2634 Suggestions on unifying complex Hongmen related ideographs — bookmarked feedback WANG, Xieyang 2023-05-18
IRG N2635 Application for Horizontal Extensions of Multiple Sources in CJK-ExtI — bookmarked feedback SIM, CheonHyeong 2023-05-17
IRG N2636 Request to confirm one unification for U+2C21C — bookmarked feedback CHAN, Eiso 2023-07-05
IRG N2637 Script-hybrid and abbreviated CJK letters — bookmarked feedback KOJITANI, Gen 2023-06-23
IRG N2638 The Final Version & The Property Value of Ext. I China 2023-09-30
IRG N2639 References to evidence — bookmarked feedback KNIGHTLEY, John 2023-10-13
IRG N2640 Request for consideration to confirm the regional names of IRG CHAN, Eiso 2023-08-01
IRG N2641 A brief introduction to Chinese rare ideographs used in geographical names WANG, Xieyang 2023-09-04
IRG N2642 Proposal to update the reference glyphs for 3 characters JIANG, Kushim 2023-09-16
IRG N2643R2 A proposal requesting a Horizontal Extension of 306 Hanja chars — Evidence ZIP (261MB) ROK 2024-02-29
IRG N2644 Call for IRG #61 Zoom registration IRG Convenor 2023-09-26
IRG N2645 Updated proposal on encoding Jianzi Musical Notation and format controls to UCS and Unicode (449MB) CHAN, Eiso et al. 2023-10-07
IRG N2646 Request IRG for consideration to accept the intralingual captions and the interlingual subtitles as evidence in future IRG WS CHAN, Eiso 2023-10-02
IRG N2647 Proposal to encode (disunify) two stroke characters in CJK Strokes block — bookmarked feedback and response KOO, Night 2023-10-01
IRG N2648 Request to update the G-Source reference for U+320DD CHAN, Eiso; HO, H.W. 2023-10-06
IRG N2649 Application for encoding some ideographs used in Chinese geographical names Unknown 2023-10-15
IRG N2650 Proposal to update representative glyph of U+3029 SUZHOU NUMERAL NINE KOO, Night 2023-07-01
IRG N2651 Proposal to Change Glyph of U+21128 Vietnam 2023-10-16
IRG N2652 IRG Principles and Procedures (Version 17) IRG Convenor 2024-03-20
IRG N2653 Feedback on IRG N2616, IRG N2642 — bookmarked feedback China 2023-10-31
IRG N2654R IRG Disunified Ideographs from IRG #45 to IRG #61 (Draft 2) IRG Chief Editor 2024-04-02
IRG N2655 Korea-origin chars and glyphs in G and J columns of ISO_IEC_10646_2020_CD_Amd2.3 ROK 2023-12-16
IRG N2656 Proposal for Unique IRG Source References MARIANI, Michel 2023-12-13
IRG N2657 First Call for IRG Meeting #62 (2024-03-18/22, Virtual) IRG Convenor 2024-01-18
IRG N2658 IRG Meeting #62 Participants List IRG Convenor 2024-03-15
IRG N2659 IRG Experts List IRG Convenor 2024-03-15
IRG N2660R China Activity Report (IRG Meeting #62) China 2024-03-15
IRG N2661 Hong Kong SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #62) Hong Kong SAR 2024-03-04
IRG N2662 Macao SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #62) Macao SAR 2024-03-07
IRG N2663R2 ROK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #62) ROK 2024-03-18
IRG N2664 SAT Activity Report (IRG Meeting #62) SAT 2024-03-14
IRG N2665 TCA Activity Report (IRG Meeting #62) TCA 2024-03-14
IRG N2666 UK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #62) — bookmarked feedback UK 2024-03-01
IRG N2667R US/Unicode Activity Report (IRG Meeting #62) UTC 2024-03-17
IRG N2668 Vietnam Activity Report (IRG Meeting #62) Vietnam 2024-03-06
IRG N2669 Editorial Report (IRG Meeting #62) CJK Editorial Group 2024-03-21
IRG N2670 IRG Meeting #62 Recommendations and Action Items IRG Convenor 2024-03-22
IRG N2671 Editorial Report on Miscellaneous Issues (IRG Meeting #62) — bookmarked feedback CJK Editorial Group 2024-03-21
IRG N2672R Logistics Arrangement for IRG Meeting #63 — attached registration form ROK 2024-07-12
IRG N2673 Vietnamese Hán-Nôm Normalization Guidelines Version 2 Vietnam 2024-03-06
IRG N2674 Request to change the radical for U+2ECAB to 130 from 74 CHAN, Eiso 2024-02-19
IRG N2675 Request to add seven new UCVs — bookmarked feedback HUÁNG, Jùnliàng 2024-03-06
IRG N2676 Proposal to Disunify U+5CC0 — bookmarked feedback SIM, CheonHyeong; GAO, Ziheng 2024-03-09
IRG N2677 Proposal to add kZhuang to Unihan — bookmarked feedback and response KNIGHTLEY, John 2024-03-15
IRG N2678R2 Proposal on new CJK Unified Ideographs Extension for IRG WS2021 IRG 2024-06-26
IRG N2679 Update 69 G-Source reference values China 2024-02-20
IRG N2680 UCV & NUCV Lists (to be confirmed at IRG Meeting #63) IWDS Editor 2024-03-30
IRG N2681 Preliminary Proposal to Add Standardised Variation Sequences for CJK Strokes Night Koo 2024-03-18
IRG N2682 IRG Working Set 2024 Submission from China China
IRG N2683 IRG Working Set 2024 Submission from ROK (178 ideographs) — Evidence ZIP (326MB) ROK 2024-07-18
IRG N2684 IRG Working Set 2024 Submission from SAT SAT
IRG N2685 IRG Working Set 2024 Submission from TCA TCA
IRG N2686 IRG Working Set 2024 Submission from UK UK
IRG N2687 IRG Working Set 2024 Submission from UTC (244 ideographs) — Evidence ZIP (253MB) UTC 2024-06-26
IRG N2688 IRG Working Set 2024 Submission from Vietnam (1,000 ideographs) — Evidence ZIP (176MB) Vietnam 2024-07-08
IRG N2689 Unique G-Source references China
IRG N2690 IRG Working Set 2024 Version 1.0 IRG
IRG N2691 UNC proposal for ethnic musical instruments of Yunnan Province (one ideograph) China 2024-05-08
IRG N2692 First Call for IRG Meeting #63 (2024-10-21/25, Seoul, ROK) IRG Convenor 2024-07-12
IRG N2693 China Activity Report (IRG Meeting #63) China
IRG N2694 Hong Kong SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #63) Hong Kong SAR
IRG N2695 Macao SAR Activity Report (IRG Meeting #63) Macao SAR
IRG N2696 TCA Activity Report (IRG Meeting #63) TCA
IRG N2697 ROK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #63) ROK
IRG N2698 SAT Activity Report (IRG Meeting #63) SAT
IRG N2699 UK Activity Report (IRG Meeting #63) UK
IRG N2700 US/Unicode Activity Report (IRG Meeting #63) UTC
IRG N2701 Vietnam Activity Report (IRG Meeting #63) Vietnam
IRG N2702 IRG Meeting #63 Recommendations and Action Items IRG Convenor
IRG N2703 Editorial Report (IRG Meeting #63) CJK Editorial Group
IRG N2704 Editorial Report on Miscellaneous Issues (IRG Meeting #63) CJK Editorial Group
IRG N2705 IRG Meeting #63 Participants List IRG Convenor
IRG N2706 IRG Experts List (DRAFT) IRG Convenor 2024-07-17
IRG N2707 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension J code chart (DRAFT) WG 2 Convenor 2024-07-14